Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Milk Formula

There are many different types of formula out there to choose from. Many parents like those that are made from cows milk. It is said this is the closest thing you can give your baby to breast milk. For those parents that feel guilty for not breast feeding this can help to relieve some of that anxiety for them. Society can put a great deal of pressure on a woman to breast feed as well. At least with cows milk formula she can still feel like she is doing the very best for her child.

Some mother’s aren’t always able to breast feed their baby for a variety of reasons. They do find that their child will take milk formula as well so they can use it for a substitute when they need to. Sometimes mom just needs to rest and allowing dad to bottle feed for the night makes that possible. If mom gets sick and needs to take medication she may need several days off from breast feeding as well.

One of the many reasons why parents choose a formula with cows milk is that their baby is able to digest it easier. Some people also use goats milk formula but it isn’t as easy to break down for most infants. If you are choosing a milk based formula you need to make sure you read the information on it. This way you will know for sure which of these animals it is coming from.

There are starting to be more and more formula choices on the market that include milk options. You may need to try out a couple of them before you find one your child is happy with. Make sure you discuss your choice with your doctor as well. You want to make sure the milk formula you are using is going to provide your baby with enough essential vitamins and nutrients.

You will discover that milk formulas are the most expensive ones on the market though. Some parents are disappointed by this though because they want to be able to give it to their infant. Yet they just can’t justify the expensive price that is attached to it.