Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Funny Health

From Café Mom: There was a woman in Arkansas who was concerned about her baby having a earache. The doctor when examined discovered that the baby had earache in the right ear. He immediately prescribed drops for the earache. In the directions, he wrote that put two drops in right ear every four hours. He then abbreviated right with a big R with a circle around it. Several days passed by and woman returned back to the doctor, still complaining about the earache her child was having. She also complained that her little child was getting really oily and greasy with the oily drops. The doctor was quite astonished to hear that. The doctor looked at the bottle and saw the instructions. The pharmacist had typed, put the drops in R ear after four hours. This made the entire scenario so funny and amusing.

There are many other funny health articles that talk about some funny talks and acts of patients and doctors at times that leave the entire medical faculty in laughter. Laughter therapy is also one of those things that is very necessary these days. Many people who are undergoing the depression need this therapy. This enables them to wave off their negative feelings and let them feel the cool air around them. Being funny helps in a lot of ways and people having good sense of humor, tend to live a healthy life. Try to feel happy and make other around you happy as well.